Reversing Alzheimer's

I thought a long time about adding this page. After all, this site is about transforming the soul by removing the roots of emotional damage and un-Christ-like behaviors (a.k.a. sin). However, the soul is undeniably connected to the body. Afflictions of the soul can cause afflictions of the body and, without a doubt, when the body is sick, the soul is affected. Therefore, I have decided to give the basics here, and, when time allows, start a separate site to expand the information given here, report new advances, and be a resource for those dealing with this disease.
     Sickness, especially when the doctors tell you it is a death sentence, is certainly a cause for deep depression. Even cancer has treatments that hold out hope for a cure, but Alzheimer's, the long goodbye, can be ten to twenty years of slowly losing your mind and abilities, or losing a loved one as you helplessly watch them die day by day, year by year. 
     My husband's mother died of Alzheimer's complications. That means that eventually, after over ten years of decline in which she could no longer care for herself or remember her children, her brain could no longer support the necessary life functions of her body. Had I known what I know now, we might have been able to halt and even reverse this disease, but the information was not available at that time. Now it is, and for me to not share what I have learned about reversing this disease would be almost criminal. So here it is. This is a presentation I prepared for a workshop at my church. I hope it will help you or someone you know.
     In 2013 I started having problems with words. I would start a sentence and my mind would go blank, as if there was a gap that the word I wanted had disappeared into. It's not like regular forgetfulness, where you know there is a word that you want somewhere in your memory, and you just have to think about it a moment to recall it. We all have that kind of forgetfulness. This was a complete blank, with no traces that there ever was a word, and it was with common words that I shouldn't have had a problem with. "Tom, get me a ... you know, something to cook the potatoes in." 
     Was I concerned? Yes. Did I go to a doctor for a prognosis? Not on your life. I knew that if I had Alzheimer's there was nothing the medical profession could do for me, and I certainly didn't want the "A" word in my medical records. Thankfully, my Dad told me to try coconut oil, and I found that within 15 minutes of taking it, my memory reconnected. The problem with coconut oil is that after 3 hours it is no longer in your system, so you have to take more, and it didn't work at all when I was tired. I knew I had to find other things that would help.
"At this time there is no cure for Alzheimer's."

Or is there?
Alzheimer Statistics

  • 5.4 million affected, 3rd leading cause of death in the United States
  • 14 million by 2050 and > 400% increase globally
  • $226 billion per year in 2015 to as high as $1.1 billion per year by 2050
  • Since 2002, 99.6% of 413 drug trials have been failures; the only FDA approved drugs don't cure it, they may slow it down slightly (prolong the agony)
  • Almost two-thirds of cases are women

7 Stages of Alzheimer's Disease​

Stage 1 (Absence of Impairment)

  • There are no problems with memory, orientation, judgment, communication, or daily activities. You are a normally functioning adult, but you have the precursors to Alzheimer's; things are going on in your body that are causing inflammation and an abnormal build-up of Amyloid Beta plaques in your brain. 
Stage 2 (Minimal Impairment)

  • You might be experiencing some lapses in memory or other cognitive problems, but neither family nor friends are able to detect any changes. A medical exam would not reveal any problems either.
Stage 3 (Noticeable Cognitive Decline)

​​​Family members and friends recognize mild changes in memory, communication patterns, or behavior. A visit to the doctor might result in a diagnosis of early-stage or mild Alzheimer's disease, BUT unless your doctor practices functional medicine it is doubtful that you will be tested for any of the 45 factors that have been identified as causes of brain degeneration. Common symptoms at this stage include:

  • Problems producing people's names or the right words for objects
  • Noticeable difficulty functioning in employment or social settings
  • Forgetting material that has just been read
  • Misplacing  important objects with increasing frequency
  • Decrease in planning or organizational skills

Stage 4 (Early-Stage/Mild Alzheimer's)

  • ​​​Cognitive decline is more evident. You may become more forgetful of recent events or personal details. Other problems include impaired mathematical ability (for instance, difficulty counting backwards from 100 by 9's), a diminished ability to carry out complex tasks like throwing a party or managing finances, moodiness, and social withdrawal.

Stage 5 (Middle-Stage/Moderate Alzheimer's)

​​​Some assistance with daily tasks is required. Problems with memory and thinking are quite noticeable, including symptoms such as:

  • ​An inability to recall one's own contact information or key details about one's history
  • Disorientation to time and/or place
  • Decreased judgment and skills in regard to personal care
  • Even though symptoms are worsening, people in this stage usually still know their own name and the names of key family members and can eat and use the bathroom without assistance
Stage 6 (Middle-Stage/Moderate to Late-Stage/Severe Alzheimer's)

​​​This is often the most difficult stage for caregivers because it is characterized by personality and behavior changes. In addition, memory continues to decline, and assistance is required for most daily activities. The most common symptoms associated with this stage include:

  • ​Reduced awareness of one's surroundings and of recent events
  • Problems recognizing one's spouse and other close family members, although faces are still distinguished between familiar and unfamiliar
  • Sundowning, which is increased restlessness and agitation in the late afternoon and evening
  • Difficulty using the bathroom independently
  • Bowel and bladder incontinence
  • Suspicion and paranoia
  • Repetitive behavior (verbal and/or nonverbal)
  • ​Wandering
Stage 7 (Late-Stage/Severe Alzheimer's)

​​​In the final stage, it is usually no longer possible to respond very much to the surrounding environment. You may be able to speak words or short phrases, but communication is extremely limited. Basic physical functions begin to shut down, such as motor coordination and the ability to swallow. 24/7 care is required.

Making a Start: Prayer and Supplements

I have always believed in using dietary supplements - good quality vitamins and minerals (sorry; One-A-Day and Centrum don't make the grade) - so I started searching the internet for supplements that might help my brain. I prayed for wisdom and I prayed that the Lord would bring my attention to the supplements and information He wanted me to know about. Prevagen was doing a big advertising campaign, so I tried it for a month, but didn't notice any improvement in my symptoms. Then I found four other supplements - Bacopa monieri, Vinpocetine (currently not available due to an FDA warning that it may cause a miscarriage in pregnant women), Phosphatidylserine, and Huperzine-A. I took them together every day, twice a day, with breakfast and dinner. These definitely made a difference. They had a long-term effectiveness that the coconut oil lacked. 

Disclosure: The links I am providing here are for supplements I have used and found valuable for a time or am currently using. I buy mainly from Vitacost and Amazon, plus one or two sites for specific brands. I regularly search the internet for formulas with the best qualities for my needs, acceptable (for me) prices and trusted manufacturers. I am not affiliated with any of these companies, and have not been asked to promote anything listed here. If you choose to order products through the links provided I will not receive compensation.

I always check for articles on safety, side effects, and interactions, however, I don't take any medications other than the occassional allergy tablet, so generally I don't have to be concerned about interactions with drugs. You are responsible for doing your own research. I am not a medical professional, and this information is not intended to be used for diagnosis or to recommend a course of action. This is my story, and I am just telling it like it is. I've provided the links to everything I use, but you are responsible for weighing the information presented here and making your own decisions. The same thing applies should you choose to see a doctor about your health - you are responsible for weighing the information and making your own decisions. It's your body, take responsibility for it.​
Affiliate Link
Price on 1/11/2020 for 300 mg/60 servings: $19.95 (Amazon)
Price on 1/11/2020 for 300 mcg/180 servings: $22.50 (Amazon)
Price on 1/11/2020 for 750 mg/120 servings: $18.95 (Amazon)
Huperzine-A (300 mcg): a dietary supplement derived from the Chinese club moss Huperzia serrata…Huperzine A acts as a cholinesterase inhibitor...The Alzheimer's Association recommends not taking huperzine A, especially if you're taking a prescribed cholinesterase inhibitor, such as donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon) or galantamine (Razadyne). Taking both could increase your risk of serious side effects. (see article)

Cholinesterase inhibitors are drugs that block the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is vital for the transmission of nerve impulses. Thus more acetylcholine is available in the brain.

Compared with the AChE inhibitors tacrine, donepezil, and rivastigmine, HupA has better penetration through the blood-brain barrier, higher oral bioavailability, and longer duration of AChE inhibitory action…(Wang et al., 2006) (see article)

A safe and effective medicine, huperzine Alpha remarkably improves the cognition, behavior, ADL,and mood of AD patients.
(see article) ( see also)
Phosphatidylserine (300 mg) is required for healthy nerve cell membranes and myelin. Aging of the human brain is associated with biochemical alterations and structural deterioration that impair neurotransmission. Exogenous PS (300-800 mg/d) is absorbed efficiently in humans, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and safely slows, halts, or reverses biochemical alterations and structural deterioration in nerve cells. It supports human cognitive functions, including the formation of short-term memory, the consolidation of long-term memory, the ability to create new memories, the ability to retrieve memories, the ability to learn and recall information, the ability to focus attention and concentrate, the ability to reason and solve problems, language skills, and the ability to communicate. It also supports locomotor functions, especially rapid reactions and reflexes. (see article)​​

Soy derived PS is a safe nutritional supplement for older persons if taken up to a dosage of 200 mg three times daily. (see article)

Bacopa monnieri (750 mg 50% Bacosides): An herb native to India that has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance memory, learning and concentration. 

Bacopa has even been found safe and effective for use with children and adolescents with few side effects. (see article)

Several randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have substantiated BM's nootropic utility in humans. There is also evidence for potential attenuation of dementia, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy. Current evidence suggests BM acts via the following mechanisms—anti-oxidant neuroprotection (via redox and enzyme induction), acetylcholinesterase inhibition and/or choline acetyltransferase activation, β-amyloid reduction, increased cerebral blood flow, and neurotransmitter modulation. ( see article)
If you read much of the research on these 4 supplements (and many others) you will find that the bottom line says, "It didn't cure Alzheimer's." You might be tempted to think, as the reseachers did, that these supplements are useless, but you would be wrong. Researchers have been looking for a "silver bullet" - one drug or supplement that will knock out Alzheimer's just as penicillin knocked out bacterial infections when it was first discovered (before bacteria became resistant to it). But, what if Alzheimer's doesn't have just one cause but many co-dependent causes? Using these 4 supplements with coconut oil, I had no further decline. Each serves a different purpose, and they work together.  Plus, as long as I took coconut oil before practice, rehearsal or a concert, I was able to learn to play an alto saxophone (though I had to practice 3 hours a day to retain the information). But I knew there had to be more; I hadn't won the war, so I prayed for understanding.

My most significant discovery

Lack of sleep is just one of the 45 factors that contribute to Alzheimer's. Yes, I said 45 factors (to date; there were 30 when the book was published in 2017) that force the brain to either crank out Amyloid Beta or actually self-destruct. Look at the photo of an autopsy disection of an Alzheimer's Stage 7 brain. That's what happens when a brain is forced to downsize itself, killing off its own neurons when it isn't provided with enough vitamins, minerals, hormones, nutrients, and other substances needed to support them. So, a lot of the 45 factors have to do with nutrition and hormones. 
     It is a normal process all over the body, the brain included, for old worn-out or damaged cells to be destroyed (autophagy) and replaced with new cells. If the brain does not have what it needs to build new cells, well, your brain will shrink in size. What is even more alarming is that if your brain is under attack from various threats, the cells will actually commit suicide. This is laboratory science. It can and will be duplicated in other labs. Many researchers outside of Dr. Bredesen's group are independently verifying his work, but don't wait for them - it's your brain and your life; get moving!

The Wolf at the Door

     The wolf was still at the door. If I was tired, it was as if my memory unlinked itself. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, and I knew I was fighting a battle I could possibly lose. I was just holding my ground with the supplement's I was taking, but I didn't know how to make progress. I added Melatonin and GABA to help me sleep (I currently use GABA and Bacopa), and I kept searching the internet. In 2018 I found a YouTube video by Dr. Dale Bredesen, and I followed the link to his site and bought his book, The End of Alzheimer's, The first Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.​
      Dr. Bredesen published this book after 30 years of research into the biological mechanisms of Alzheimer's. In this book he gives you a glimpse into the discoveries his research group made, but I'm going to dumb it down for you and make it as simple as I can. 
     First and foremost, a startling revelation: Alzheimer's is the result of the brain doing what it is supposed to do when attacked - protect itself. The Amyloid Beta (or Beta-Amyloid if you prefer) is a normal part of the brain's defense system. So, just using a drug to force the brain to remove this substance isn't going to solve the problem, because it won't stop the attacks on the brain, and the brain will continue to crank out this substance. 
     Dr. Bredesen goes into some detail on the biological process, and I hope you will read this, because you are indeed "fearfully and wonderfully made". Basically, Amyloid Beta is a sticky substance that traps invaders, such as bacteria and toxins. The brain has a normal cleansing system during sleep that rinses it out. If you aren't getting enough sleep, the janitorial system doesn't have time to clean up, and the Amyloid Beta starts to clog up the synapses.  
“Specifically, Alzheimer’s disease is what happens when the brain tries to protect itself from three metabolic toxic threats:

•Inflammation (from infection, diet, or other causes)

•Decline and shortage of supportive nutrients, hormones, and other brain-supporting molecules

•Toxic substances such as metals or biotoxins (poisons produced by microbes such as molds)” (p26 The End of Alzheimer’s)

Within the 3 types of metabolic threats are 45 possible contributing conditions. Like holes in the roof of a house, it's no good to repair just one. The only rational approach is to identify and repair all of them. 
“In people who have developed cognitive symptoms such as memory loss, ten to twenty-five laboratory values are often not optimal for brain function, while people who are at risk for cognitive impairment but not yet symptomatic typically have three to five suboptimal values." (The End of Alzheimer's​, p 116)

The Three Types of Alzheimer's

     It's important to understand that Dr. Bredesen's group did a lot of lab work, but he also worked with people who came to him looking for help. His book gives you a brief look at some of the case studies that presented differently and were puzzles that had to be solved. Dr. Bredesen has already submitted 200 case studies to the medical community, and many more have been helped. What he found in helping these people is that the factors  that cause Alzheimer's can be divided into 3 groups, which define three types of the disease.
     It used to be that the only definitive way to diagnose Alzheimers was after death, at autopsy, when the brain could be examined. Now a diagnosis can be made through a spinal tap, as certain proteins associated with the disease will show up in the cerebrospinal fluid. Also, a PET scan (VERY Expensive) can show brain shrinkage. Short of these two diagnostic tools, the best any doctor can do is rule out other causes, such as a brain tumor, and say that you most likely have Alzheimer's. That would only be confirmed at autopsy after you die. If you, or a loved one, are showing symptoms of the mental deterioration typically caused by Alzheimer's, it would seem to me to be worth assessing how many factors might be causing or adding to your condition, and get right on doing whatever you can to bring the whole body back to health while waiting for tests to be done.
Type 1: Inflammatory

Caused by Chronic Inflammation
  1. ​Ongoing infections: Periodontal disease; Staph; Lyme disease
  2. Insulin resistance or diabetes
  3. Overweight
  4. Leaky gut
  5. Leaky blood-brain barrier

Let's consider Type 1; Ongoing infections. 

"Neuroinflammation in the brain may be a reaction to the presence of bacteria...The brain is normally sealed behind specialized blood vessels that make it very difficult for things like bacteria in the blood to enter. However, at least one of the genetic risk-factors for Alzheimer's disease may cause these blood vessels to lose some of their integrity, which could allow bacteria to enter and colonize the brain." ( see article)
Here is an article on chronic inflammation caused by being overweight. Here is one on leaky gut, and one on the connection between insulin resistance and Alzheimer's. "The mechanism we propose is that brain insulin deficiency and resistance cause neuronal death due to trophic factor withdrawal..."

Factors for me: Insulin resistant; overweight; possible tick borne disease (need testing); possible ongoing sinus infection (need testing)
Type 2: Atrophic​​

No evidence of inflammation; inflammatory markers may be lower than normal. Instead, overall support for brain synapses has dried up.

  1. Levels of hormones including thyroid, adrenal, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and pregnenolone are usually suboptimal
  2. ​Vitamin D is often reduced, and other vitamin levels and minerals may be low
  3. Insulin resistance may occur, or insulin levels may be too low
  4. Homocysteine may be high
  5. ​PET scan may show shrinkage of hippocampal volume

That brings us to Type 2 Alzheimer's, which is called atrophic Alzheimer's. Trophic refers to substances that support growth. Atrophic means you aren't getting those supportive factors, so your brain atrophies, i.e. shrinks. This explains why the majority of Alzheimer's cases are late onset (age 70 or older). 

I know a lot of elderly people, and though they have different activity levels, I have observed that they generally don't eat enough whole protein, so their muscles shrink and their skin gets paper thin. I don't know any that take quality supplements, so most are probably deficient in vitamins and minerals, and low hormone levels would not be uncommon under these circumstances. I would venture to say that most elderly people are slowly starving to death.

Factors for me: postmenopausal suboptimal hormones; Vitamin-D levels low, even though I take 5,000 IU per day; need to balance minerals; get tested for homocysteine; can't afford PET scan, insurance doesn't cover it.​

Type 3: Toxic

Strikes at a relatively young age, typically beginning in the late forties to early sixties, often following great stress, and rather than beginning with memory loss, begins with difficulties involving numbers or speech organizing. Atypical presentation for Alzheimer's, with spinal fluid and brain scan being decisive for the disease.

Characteristic biomarkers:

  1. Affects many brain areas; MRIs show regions throughout the brain have shrunk
  2. There is often neuroinflammation and vascular leaks
  3. Low zinc and high ratio of copper to zinc
  4. Often diagnosed as being something other than Alzheimer's but abnormal PET scans and spinal fluid show that it is a form of Alzheimer's
  5. Hormonal abnormalities
  6. High blood levels of toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury, mycotoxins (from mold). There may be a history of exposure to toxic chemicals or heavy metals.

Factors for me: Hair test shows toxic ratios of heavy metals at upper limit. Word loss rather than memory loss, plus early onset (symptoms at age 64) preceded by great stress, indicate Type 3 as the main area of concern.

Type 3 Alzheimer's has to do with toxic poisoning of the brain. I had a hair analysis done in October of 2017 after reading Dr. Bredesen's book. My ratios for lead, cadmium and mercury are at the top of what is acceptable. That doesn't mean they are acceptable, it just means they might not show up clinically in symptoms of poisoning. Guess what I had a mouth full of - silver amalgam fillings (I'd been getting them since age 12, and had one especially large filling under a cap that a student dentist had placed there not too long before my word-loss symptoms started. Silver amalgam fillings have mercury in them, and while the dental establishment swears up and down that they are safe, it ain't necessarily so. Keeping a known toxin in an acid environment (your mouth) for 50+ years is safe? Seriously?

​Here is an excerpt from a study in which there were no adverse affects on the health of children who had mercury fillings in their teeth, BUT, they did have traces of mercury in their urine. Research in the late 1970's, early 80's found that mercury vapor is constantly being released from silver fillings at very low levels and absorbed into the body. Fast forward to 50+ years of low level mercury absorption. (I hardly ever eat fish species that have mercury, and I don't get vaccinations so there is no other source that I can think of.)  ​

"For decades, it was believed that a person’s direct exposure to the mercury in amalgam was brief, occurring only while the dentist packed the filling into the tooth. But with the arrival of more sensitive laboratory tools in the late 1970s and into the 1980s, scientists showed that dental amalgam continuously releases a mercury vapor into the mouth, which is inhaled and absorbed by the body." ( see article )​​

It appalls me that this was known in the early 1980s but dentists still swear today that silver amalgam is completely safe. My husband and I found a dentist who was properly trained and had the proper equipment to safely remove mercury fillings. It was expensive but well worth it to have those fillings out. I noticed an immediate improvement in my word-loss symptoms and energy level, with steady improvement since then.

A My next step is chelation therapy to pull toxic metals out of my body tissues.

Find a dentist qualified to remove mercury fillings:  (Try here) and (here) ​​​​
More Info:  (Try here)

Learn about chelation therapy and find a practitioner: (Try here) and (here)

Order a Hair Analysis Kit: (I used this one)
OR: the best test for mercury is a urine test after chelation to pull the metal out of your cells. (Check here)

Testing Is the Next Logical Step

The optimal values for all of these tests are in Dr. Bredesen's book, 

             The End of Alzheimer's

“You can’t fix a problem you’re unaware of, so whether you are interested in preventing cognitive decline or reversing it, you first need to determine in detail where you stand in terms of your vulnerability to the three insults of inflammation, suboptimal hormones and other brain nutrients, and toxic compounds.” (The End of Alzheimer’s, p 115)

Tests for causes can include:

  • ​Genetics: the ApoE4 gene (and others) raises the risk for Alzheimers
  • Microbiome: Tests for harmful bacteria living in the gut, mouth, nose, and sinuses
  • Body mass index: A known risk factor for Alzheimer's and brain health in general (i.e. being overweight).
  • Sleep study: Goal is an AHI (apnea-hypopnea index) of lower than 5 events per hour (preferably 0). 

Should you be tested for the ApoE4 gene? 
•People with one copy of ApoE4 have a three-fold higher lifetime risk of developing Alzheimer’s, while those with two copies (one from each parent) have a 91 percent lifetime risk of developing the disease. How would it affect your life to know this information?

•Genetic test results will go into your medical records and could prevent you from purchasing life or long-term-care insurance.

•The latest research shows that even without the ApoE4 gene, a combination of dozens of other genes can predict that you will get Alzheimer’s, it’s just a matter of what age.

Body Mass Index calculation is available on Google.

You can order a DIY sleep apnea test from here or check out an app for your cell-phone here.

Tests for Inflammation
(For test specifications see Chapters 7 & 8, The End of Alzheimer's)

  • Homocysteine: An amino acid and breakdown product of protein metabolism; it is a marker for Alzheimer's Types 1 and 2. Homocysteine comes from eating foods with the amino acid Methionine such as nuts, meats, fish, fowl, shellfish, soy, eggs, dairy, or beans. Vitamins B6, B9, B12 and betaine are required to break it down. 
  • Hs-CRP (high sensitivity CRP): C-reactive protein (CRP) is produced by the liver in response to any type of inflammation; the high sensitivity test is needed
  • A/G test (ratio of albumin to globulin)
  • Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha: increased cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha may be increased in Alzheimer's Type 1

Fasting Insulin Level
A critical biomarker of insulin resistance (Alzheimer's has been called Diabetes Type III).

  1. Insulin signaling is critical for neuron survival; chronically high insulin blunts this signaling.
  2. Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) also degrades amyloid-beta; if it is used up degrading insulin there is none to degrade the amyloid-beta, which then builds up in the brain.
  3. Chronically high levels of glucose can alter protein molecules; your immune system can then develop antibodies against your own proteins, can cause inflammation, can damage blood vessels in the brain, and can cause free radical damage to DNA and cell membranes.

Fasting insulin should be 4.5 or lower; fasting glucose should be 90 or lower, and hemoglobin A1c should be less than 5.6 percent.
Here's a real eye-opener for you. If your cholesterol level goes below 150, you are more likely to suffer brain atrophy, which means your brain is shrinking. If you are taking statin drugs, not only is there a danger from low cholesterol, if the statin drugs get into your brain, they can strip the cholesterol from the axons of the nerve cells, thus killing those cells. Cholesterol is in the myelin sheaths that protect the axons, sort of like the sheathing on the wires in your house. In fact, the brain makes its own supply of cholesterol, and about 25% of the cholesterol in your body is in your brain.

According to Harvard Medical School, fat-soluble statins can cross the blood-brain-barrier. Water-soluble statins can only get in if you have a leaky blood-brain-barrier. Personally, I would never take a statin. If I believed my cholesterol to be too high, I would work with a physician who understands how to lower it through natural herbal remedies that don't have the nasty side effects of statins. It's your choice, but in my opinion, it is a dangerous thing to use statins when your brain is already compromised by other factors.
Cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides and Volumetrics

  • Low Cholesterol: When total cholesterol falls below 150 you are more likely to suffer brain atrophy (shrinking from cell death). About 25% of the body's cholesterol is found in the brain. Most of the cholesterol is in the myelin sheaths that surround the axons of nerve cells. Because the blood-brain barrier prevents brain cells from taking up cholesterol from the blood, the brain must produce its own cholesterol. Goal: Total cholesterol > 150
  • Damaged Cholesterol: Test for oxidized cholesterol or small dense LDL
  • Volumetrics + MRI: The MRI rules out structural abnormalities; volumetrics shows if any regions of the brain are shrinking
Statin drugs and the brain (Harvard Medical School, March 2007)

Water-soluble; Excluded unless vascular leaks
Pravastatin (Pravachol)
Fluvastatin (Lescol)
Rosuvastatin (Crestor)

Fat-soluble; May enter
Lovastatin (Mevacor and generics)
Simvastatin (Zocor and generics)
Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
Cyrex Arrays

  • Cyrex Array 20: Test for leaky blood-brain barrier
  • Cyrex Array 2: Test for antibodies caused by leaky gut
  • Cyrex Arrays 3 & 4: Test for food allergies that cause leaky gut

Heavy Metals and Essential Minerals

  • Tests for mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium; copper:zinc ratio; red blood cell magnesium, selenium, potassium, calcium

Cognitive Performance

  • CNS Vital Signs computerized neurocognitive online assessment
  • BrainHQ or equivalent
Essential Vitamin Levels:

  • Vitamin D3: Essential for creating and maintaining brain synapses
  • B Vitamins: All of the B vitamins are essential for health, and many have a role in the brain and nervous system. 
  • Vitamin C: Modulates neurotransmitter systems of the brain
  • Vitamin E: Used by the liver to send DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) to the brain. DHA is required for maintenance of normal brain function. High plasma vitamin E levels were repeatedly associated with better cognitive performance.

  • Glutathione: Essential antioxidant and the ultimate free radical quencher and detoxifier in the brain. Lower glutathione levels are associated with greater brain amyloidosis. 

Many hormones are crucial to maintaining synapses. When their levels drop, the brain down-sizes, destroying synapses it can no longer support.

  • Thyroid
  • Estrogen and progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • ​Cortisone, pregnenolone, DHEA (dehydroeplandrosterone)
There are two programs offered by Dr. Bredesen, that will provide the tests needed. 

RECode (Reverse Cognitive Decline): get all the tests done and receive a single report that tells you what is out of whack and what needs to be done to reverse your symptoms. This report is only recommended if you are in Stage 1 or 2. The cost (check the website for up-to-date info) at the time of this writing is $1,399.

REVerse: You commit to work with a Bredesen trained practitioner for a year. The costs are $75/month plus your first set of labs (that will be your baseline) for $1,099. You will be re-tested at 6 months and at 1 year to make sure your test values are returning to normal. 

In either program there may be additional expenses for supplements and other tests. 

What Can You Do Yourself?

The answer lies within you; your knowledge of your current health status, your willingness to dive in and learn, and finally your comfort level with taking charge of your own health. You might find this forum helpful:

1) Many of the tests can be ordered from independent labs (see chapters 7 & 8 of Dr. Bredesen's book for specific test parameters). However, the cost can be prohibitive if you want several done. It might be less expensive to get a RECode report. [Specific hormonal tests are called for. If you have hormonal deficiencies, work with a doctor to correct them. Do not self-medicate.] Labs you can order tests from: (Try here) and (here). You can find others through an internet search. 

2) Find a Bredesen trained physician to work with you. Make sure you know exactly what tests, if any, the fees will cover. Get it in writing.

3) Or, find a physician who practices functional medicine to work with you. (Try here)
Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual.

The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.

By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual. [R]

Remove Toxins from Your Environment

"Nearly 70 percent of the produce sold in the U.S. comes with pesticide residues, according to EWG’s analysis of test data from the Department of Agriculture for our 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™.

The most surprising news from the USDA tests reveals that the popular health food kale is among the most contaminated fruits and vegetables. More than 92 percent of kale samples had two or more pesticide residues detected, and a single sample could contain up to 18 different residues. The most frequently detected pesticide, found on nearly 60 percent of kale samples, was Dacthal, or DCPA – classified by the Environmental Protection Agency since 1995 as a possible human carcinogen, and prohibited for use in Europe since 2009.

Overall, the USDA found 225 different pesticides and pesticide breakdown products on popular fruits and vegetables Americans eat every day. Before testing, all produce was washed and peeled, just as people would prepare food for themselves, which shows that simple washing does not remove all pesticides." ( Read Article)

Removing pesticides from produce: ( Read Article)

Limit Toxic Pesticides, Buy Organic

​Topping the list of foods with the most pesticides, the Dirty Dozen for 2019 are:

  • Strawberries                   Spinach
  • Kale                                   Nectarines
  • Apples                              Grapes
  • Peaches                           Cherries
  • Pears                                Tomatoes
  • Celery                               Potatoes

  • (EWG - Environmental Working Group - includes Hot Peppers)

Limit Toxic Pesticides, Buy Organic

For 2019, the Clean Fifteen - produce items that tend to have the least pesticide residues are:

  • Avocados                          Sweet Corn
  • Pineapples                        Sweet Peas (frozen)
  • Onions                               Papayas 
  • Eggplant                            Asparagus
  • Kiwi                                     Cabbage 
  • Cauliflower                        Cantaloupe
  • Broccoli                              Mushrooms
  • Honeydew

Hazards of Chemical Lawn Care
Studies show that hazardous lawn chemicals are drifting into our homes where they contaminate indoor air and surfaces, exposing children at levels ten times higher than preapplication levels. Of 30 commonly used lawn pesticides, 16 are linked with cancer or carcinogenicity, 12 are linked with birth defects, 21 with reproductive effects, 25 with liver or kidney damage, 14 with neurotoxicity, and 17 with disruption of the endocrine (hormonal) system.

Of those same 30 lawn pesticides, 19 are detected in groundwater, 20 have the ability to leach into drinking water sources, 30 are toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms vital to our ecosystem, 29 are toxic to bees, 14 are toxic to mammals, and 22 are toxic to birds. (Read Article)
Avoid aluminum (Al) additives in food, and drinks in aluminum cans.

While there has been much controversy about whether aluminum accumulation in the brain is a cause of Alzheimer's or just an effect of Alzheimer's, this much is known: 
"1) very small amounts of Al are needed to produce neurotoxicity and this criterion is satisfied through dietary Al intake,

2) Al sequesters different transport mechanisms to actively traverse brain barriers,

3) incremental acquisition of small amounts of Al over a lifetime favors its selective accumulation in brain tissues, and

4) since 1911, experimental evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that chronic Al intoxication reproduces neuropathological hallmarks of AD." (Read article)

While aluminum from dietary sources may be safe for healthy individuals, the Alzheimer's brain is already compromised. Personally, I'd rather just remove one more possible factor.

What About Mold?

According to the CDC: Generally, it is not necessary to identify the species of mold growing in a residence, and CDC does not recommend routine sampling for molds. Current evidence indicates that allergies are the type of diseases most often associated with molds. Since the susceptibility of individuals can vary greatly either because of the amount or type of mold, sampling and culturing are not reliable in determining your health risk. If you are susceptible to mold and mold is seen or smelled, there is a potential health risk; therefore, no matter what type of mold is present, you should arrange for its removal. Furthermore, reliable sampling for mold can be expensive, and standards for judging what is and what is not an acceptable or tolerable quantity of mold have not been established.​
Adopt an Anti-Alzheimer's Ketogenic Diet

Ketosis – when you run low on carbohydrates in your diet, your body will switch from burning glucose as fuel to burning fat as fuel. The process of breaking down fat will produce chemicals called ketone bodies. The process is completely safe.

  • You must get your blood sugar under control. If you are diabetic don't use administered insulin as an excuse to eat poorly.
  • Stop thinking of food as just something to fill you up and satisfy your appetite. What you eat is either killing you are curing you. Food should be delicious AND nutritious.
  • A Keto diet corrects several Type 1 (inflammation) problems - leaky gut, chronically high insulin levels, insulin resistance (it's even being used to reverse diabetes), overweight, fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, gluten & other grain toxin sensitivities
  • Keeps insulin from spiking; promotes growth hormone, which aids in immune function
  • Promotes autophagy - cells throughout the body, including the brain, recycle components and destroy damaged proteins and mitochondria; it's a necessary part of the body's renewal process
  • Amyloid Beta is flushed out of the brain

Watch this video: Your Brain on Ketones; Alzheimer's, Memory and MCT

Essentials of a Keto Diet
Rule #1: NO SUGAR

Our bodies weren’t engineered to process 150-170 lbs of sugar per year!

•1 pound sugar = 120 teaspoons; 1/4 pound = 30 teaspoons

•An average 12 oz can of soda = 8 teaspoons

•4 sodas = 1/4 pound of sugar x 365 days = 91.25 lbs per year plus all the sugar added to processed foods.

•Sugars create a 40-50% decrease in the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria within the body; this effect starts less than 30 minutes after ingesting sugar and can last up to 5 hours. 150-170 lbs of sugar = 80,000 hours of immune suppression.

•Sugar strips the body of minerals needed by cells to function properly

What About Artificial Sweeteners?

Acesulfame-K: 200 times sweeter than sugar; generally considered safe by the FDA, but contains the carcinogen methylene chloride. Long-term exposure can cause headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver effects, kidney effects, visual disturbances, and cancer in humans. Used extensively in food products to enhance sweetness. Often mixed with Aspartame. Not available as a table-top sweetener.

Aspartame (Equal, Nutra-Sweet, AminoSweet): There are over 92 different health issues associated with aspartame including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures, yet the FDA continues to approve it.

Saccharin (Sweet-N-Low): Generally considered safe but may be carcinogenic and may cause allergic reactions in some people. Has an unpleasant aftertaste; often combined with Aspartame; may disrupt beneficial bacteria in the gut which protect the gut against infection, produce important vitamins and nutrients, and help regulate the immune system.

Sucralose (Splenda): Accidentally discovered while doing research to create a new insecticide. It is regarded as a chemical cousin to DDT. Sucralose is a chlorinated compound. When the body breaks down this type of chlorinated compound, it releases toxic chemicals.

Other Sweetener Options

Erythritol: A sugar alcohol created by fermenting glucose from corn or wheat starch. Can be used 1:1 in place of sugar. It can cause digestive distress if eaten in large quantities (about 16 Tbsp), so it should not be a problem for people with a healthy digestive tract. However, there are no long term studies and some have suggested it may cause damage to the intestinal lining. It bothers me that 90% of it passes unchanged into the blood, then circulates through the body before being passed unchanged into the urine. What happens when it enters the brain through a leaky blood-brain-barrier? No one knows. Be sure to purchase only non-GMO if you choose to use it. I don't like it, as I find it changes my perception of how food tastes. Even water tastes unpleasant to me after eating erythritol.
Monkfruit: A small melon found in Asia; has been used as a natural sweetener for hundreds of years. Monkfruit is significantly sweeter than sugar and can replace sugar 1:1. It is non-GMO, but is often mixed with erythritol.

Stevia: From an herbal plant of the same name and shouldn’t be confused with Truvia. Stevia is an attractive alternative to sugar alcohols as well as traditional sugar. In South America, the substance has long history of being used to sweeten tea, various medicines, and candy. It is a natural sweetener that is actually sweeter than traditional sugar, and may be a healthier option than sugar alcohols, but does cause allergic reactions in some people, and does have an aftertaste that some find unpleasant. The only product I use is SteviaSweet by Steviva. It is available from Amazon.

Rule #2: Replace starchy foods with non-GMO, low-carb vegetables

•To reduce insulin levels and burn fat: no more than 20 total grams of carbohydrate per day (2 cups of lettuce greens OR 1 cup low-carb vegetable) with each meal. Don't bother counting calories.

•Focus on cruciferous vegetables – cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, radishes, Brussels sprouts, turnips, watercress, kohlrabi, rutabaga, arugula, horseradish. Watch this video.
•Fats are healthy, but you have to train your body to switch from burning sugar to burning fat; this is done by starting with a high ratio of fat to protein at 3:1. 
•Grain flours can be replaced with almond or coconut flour; there are some very good recipes for pizza, biscuits, and even cake and cookies on YouTube.

•As your body starts burning it's own fat, toxins that have been stored will be released, so drink plenty of water.
Rule #3: Eliminate Vegetable and Seed Oils

•Corn, soy, canola [rape seed oil], safflower, peanut, etc.), all of which cause inflammation. 

•Use only cold-pressed MCT oil (medium-chain triglyceride oil), coconut oil, olive or avocado oil, all of which promote mild ketosis. "Cold pressed oils retain all their flavour, aroma, and nutritional value, making these oils great for cooking and skin care requirements." 

Ever considered what it takes to squeeze oil out of a soybean or corn kernal?
To produce soybean oil, the soybeans are cracked, adjusted for moisture content, heated to between 60 and 88 °C (140–190 °F), rolled into flakes, and solvent-extracted with hexanes. The oil is then refined, blended for different applications, and sometimes hydrogenated. (Wikipedia)

Similar solvent extraction chemicals are used for corn and canola oil. Canola oil is just hybridized rape seed that is produced in Canada - Canadian Oil, Can-ol-a. Get it? "Canola oil is made at a processing facility by slightly heating and then crushing the seed. Almost all commercial canola oil is then extracted using hexane solvent..." (Wikipedia)

Turn Your Brain on and Jump Start Your Mitochondria with MCT Oil

MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides. The name refers to the way the carbon atoms are arranged in chains of saturated fats. MCTs have 6 to 12 carbon atoms in their chains, and their shortness gives them the unique ability to bypass digestion in the intestines and move directly to the liver via the portal vein. The liver can then use MCT's for immediate energy. This instant energy can be used to fuel the brain, as they can pass through the blood brain barrier. MCT oil is generally extracted from coconut oil. There are 4 types of MCT oil, of which Caprylic and Capric are the most commonly used. ( Read about benefits)

When purchasing MCT Oil you are looking for a formula that maximises Caprylic Acid and Capric Acid, the two mediuim chain triglycerides that support brain function and ketosis. I am currently using Jarrow's.
Price on 1/11/2020 for 20 fluid ounces: $11.73 (Amazon)

Dietary Supplements


Start with a foundation of essential vitamins and minerals, then add other supplements to support your individual needs. Supplement prices change every day, and coupons or other incentives may be available. I have listed the price for each supplement at time of publishing and will try to update regularly so you have a comparison price if you want to shop around. Look for the same quality, quantity and potency when comparing prices.

Vitamins & Trace Minerals

Price on 1/11/2020 for 60 servings: $38.46 (Swanson)

There is no such thing as a perfect formula, but I think this is a good place to start. I found it on the website. This formula is not available from Amazon or Vitacost. Be aware that a slightly different formula does not include probiotics and enzymes. The label should expressly say "With CoQ10 Resveratrol Probiotics P-5-P & Methylcobalamin".]

Vitamin A (Natural mixedcarotenoid complex) 25,000 IU [Note: your body will change some of this into Vitamin A, but not all; the rest has antioxidant properties that are important.)
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid & Ascorbyl Palmitate) 200 mg [You'll probably want more; see the anti-oxidant section below]
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 800 IU * (see below)
Vitamin E (as d-Alpha & Mixed Tocopherols) 375  [You can add mixed tocotrienols if desired]

[Note: These are good values for B Vitamins. B Vitamins are crucial to many bodily processes and are especially important for the nervous system, including various brain functions. Many formulas lack Inositol, Choline, PABA, and Pantothenic Acid. B-6 and B-12 are in the preferred forms.]

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 50 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 50 mg
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) 150 mg
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine 5-Phosphate & HCl) 50 mg
Folic Acid 800 mcg
Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) 500 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg
Pantothenic Acid (as D-Calcium Pantothenate) 150 mg
Inositol 50 mg
Choline Bitartrate 50 mg
PABA (Para Aminobenzoic Acid) 10 mg

[Note: Most multi-vitamins don't include Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. This one does, which is one of the reasons I like this formula. I also try to eat foods rich in these.]

Calcium (as Calcium Citrate & Bisglycinate) 100 mg
Iodine (as Potassium Iodide) 75 mcg
Magnesium (as Magnesium Citrate, Aspartate,Alpha-Ketoglutarate & Oxide) 200 mg
Zinc (as Zinc Amino Acid Chelate) 15 mg
Selenium (as Amino Acid Chelate) 200 mcg
Copper (as Copper Gluconate) 2 mg
Manganese (as Manganese Citrate) 5 mg
Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate) 200 mcg
Molybdenum (as Molybdenum Chelate) 75 mcg
Potassium (as Potassium Aspartate, Alpha-Ketoglutarate, & Citrate) 99 mg
Boron (as Boron Citrate) 2 mg

[Note: These antioxidants are very important; this is a good start, but you may want to add more. See the Antioxidant section further down. This formula does not have Acetyl L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine, an amino acid, does not have the same effect as Acetyl L-Carnitine, so you should consider adding this important supplement.]

Alpha Lipoic Acid 80 mg
L-Carnitine Tartrate 80 mg 
Quercetin 50 mg 
Resveratrol 50 mg 
Grapeseed Extract 95% 30 mg 
CoQ10 30 mg [add more as CoQH + PQQ; see below]
Ginger Root Extract 4:1 10 mg 
Lycopene 6 mg

[Note: Having probiotics and digestive enzymes is great, even though it includes a minimal number of strains. The serving size for this supplement blend is 4 capsules. If you take 2 with breakfast and 2 with lunch, you are insured of having the means to digest the supplements. This is very important for the elderly, who generally have problems in this area. If you have leaky gut or other digestive issues, you may want to increase the number of bacterial strains and enzymes. See the section below on aids for the digestive tract.

Probiotic Blend* 50 mg
Digestive Enzyme** 10 mg 

​*Reduced D3 activity is associated with cognitive decline. When Vitamin D enters a cell nucleus, it turns on over 900 genes. Some affect bone metabolism, others suppress tumor formation, others reduce inflammation, and others are crucial in synapse-supporting functions.​ You will need more than 800 IU. I take 5000 IU per day. Just make sure it is D3, Cholecalciferol.

Additional Support for Mitochondrial Function

CoQH (Ubiquinol) + PQQ (pyrroloquinoline-quinone)

CoQH (Ubiquinol) is the more bio-available form of Coenzyme Q10. When you take CoQ10 (Ubiquinone) as a supplement, your body changes it to Ubiquinol.

CoQ10 is present in every cell of the body, with the highest concentrations found in organs with the greatest energy demands, such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver. It is normally produced by the body and stored in the mitochondria of the cells, where it helps the mitochondria produce energy, and also protects cells from oxidative damage, bacteria and viruses. Levels decrease with age, nutritional deficiencies, and the use of statin drugs. CoQ10 is found in meat, fish and whole grains, but the amount isn't enough to significantly increase CoQ10 levels in your body. Therefore, supplementation is recommended as you age, or where disease is present. [R]

PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline-quinone)
Researchers have looked extensively at the impact PPQ has on mitochondria and have found that PQQ can increase the number of mitochondria and even improve their efficiency. There is an overall increase of energy within your cells, especially when used with CoQ10. The combination of PQQ and CoQ10 may lead to memory enhancement and promoting cognitive health. PQQ may promote Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) synthesis, which can lead to more neuronal growth and survival. Since it doesn’t take much PQQ to have an effect, most dosages are kept small. [R] 

Dr. Bredesen recommends 10-20 mg of PQQ and 100 mg of CoQH daily. 

Price on 9/11/2019 for QH (100mg) / PQQ (10 mg); 30 servings: $13.45 (Amazon)

Alternative if you already have CoQ10 or CoQH: Jarrow PQQ, 20 mg/30 Servings: $15.94  (Amazon)

​Aids for the Digestive Track

Price on 1/11/2020 for 90 servings: $25.49 (180 count is a better deal) (Amazon)
By Douglas Labs; Price on 1/11/2020 for 20 Billion CFU/30 servings: $29.99 (Amazon)
Price on 1/11/2020 for 25 strain, 30 Billion; 2-Pack 30 Servings each: $20.49 (Amazon) (This formula contains Saccharomyces Boulardii 0.5 billion)

Enzymedica Digest

A high potency digestive enzyme blend which provides assistance in digesting proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates. This blend includes phytase, to help digest almond flour and make the calcium in it available to your body. Almonds are an important calcium source for the Keto diet. 

Saccharomyces Boulardii

​Saccharomyces boulardii is considered to be a probiotic, although it is not a bacteria, but a beneficial yeast similar to the baker's yeast used in bread making. It is used in the treatment of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Because it is a yeast, it does not acquire antibiotic resistance. It is especially useful if you are having problems with non-beneficial yeasts such as Candida.


Probiotic refers to the bacteria needed for a healthy digestive track. Having the right bacteria and multiple strains of bacteria is important. Bacteria help in the digestion of food and create some of the vitamins we need. Prebiotic refers to the food that will nourish the bacteria in case you aren't eating what they need at the time you take the supplement. Also needed is a way to get the bacteria to the small intestine without them getting destroyed by stomach acid. There are many choices, and some people swear by one and some by another. You might want to try this one by Swanson.

This article warns against taking probiotics if you have leaky gut or a compromised immune system. [ Read article ]

Supplements to Enhance Brain Function
Start by reading the descriptions of various neuro-trophic (brain supportive) supplements, and select 1 or 2 that sound most promising. If you are on medications, check with your doctor and on the internet for interactions and side effects (try Don't buy compounds that include things like green tea extract, which you can buy inexpensively and enjoy as a cup of tea. It may take a few days for your digestive tract to accept change. There is often a cleaning out phase as the digestive biome begins to change. You don't want to make too many changes at the same time, and do drink plenty of water to flush out toxins. After a week or two, add another supplement. 

I currently take Neurocholine, Phosphatidylserine, Vinpocetine, Bacopa, and Huperzine-A as separate supplements. Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L-Carnitine are part of my multi-vitamin. I take the Bacopa before bedtime as a sleep aid.


Lion’s Mane
Price on 1/11/2020 for 1000 mg/30 servings: $52.60; (Amazon)
Price on 1/11/2020 for 300 mg/60 servings: $19.95 (Amazon)
Price on 1/11/2020 for 1100 mg/30 servings: $20.51 (Amazon)
Recommended to support synaptic growth and maintenance (250 mg twice daily).

Citicoline is often called a “brain nutrient” because it increases levels of several important neurotransmitters including dopamine, noradrenaline and aetylcholine (crucial for memory and cognitive function); and helps maintain the integrity of neuronal cell membranes. Choline deficiency affects the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (programmed cell death).

This Swanson formula is 1000 mg, but in 2 capsules. So I only take one capsule daily.
Phosphatidylserine is required for healthy nerve cell membranes and myelin. It supports the formation of short-term memory, the consolidation of long-term memory, the ability to create new memories, the ability to retrieve memories, the ability to learn and recall information, the ability to focus attention and concentrate, the ability to reason and solve problems, language skills, and the ability to communicate. 
(Hericium erinaceus) mushroom:
Recent research has focused on its ability to stimulate the synthesis of Nerve Growth Factor, which may protect nerves in the brain and body from deterioration associated with aging while improving cognitive function. 

This supplement is expensive, and the benefits don't seem to last if you stop taking it. I tried it for a month, but it didn't seem to add any benefits on top of the other supplements I was taking.

My preference is to use other supplements that have a more powerful and lasting effect. However, it is recommended for Type 2 Alzheimer's (500 mg).

Bacopa monnieri
Price on 1/11/2020 for 750 mg/120 servings: $18.95 (Amazon)
Price on 1/11/2020 for 300 mcg/180 servings: $22.50 (Amazon)
An herb native to India that has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance memory, learning and concentration. Bacopa has even been found safe and effective for use with children and adolescents with few side effects. Taken before bedtime it acts as a relaxant and sleep aid for some.

Studies show 300 to 600 mg daily improved memory, attention, and the ability to process information. [R]

250 mg daily recommended.

Found naturally in Chinese club moss, with one of its main uses being to help clear the mind. Huperzine-A is a cholinesterase inhibitor that blocks the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is vital for the transmission of nerve impulses. Thus more acetylcholine is available in the brain.

Compared with the AChE inhibitors tacrine, donepezil, and rivastigmine, HupA has better penetration through the blood-brain barrier, higher oral bioavailability, and longer duration of AChE inhibitory action…(Wang et al., 2006) ( see article)

Hup-A appears to be safe unless you are taking other cholinesterase inhibitors, which might be too high a dosage. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid & Acetyl L-Carnitine

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is found in low amounts in foods such as spinach, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, beets, and red meat. There are no official recommended doses but clinical trials with Alzheimer's patients have used doses ranging from 600 to 900 mg/day for up to 2 years without reporting serious side effects. [R]

Alpha-lipoate is absorbed from the diet and crosses the blood-brain barrier. It is reduced in cells and tissues to dihydrolipoate, which is also exported to the extracellular medium, affording protection to both intracellular and extracellular environments. Both alpha-lipoate and especially dihydrolipoate have been shown to be potent antioxidants, to regenerate other antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E, and to raise intracellular glutathione levels. [R]
Recommended dosage: 60-100 mg daily.

Acytyl L-Carnitine (ALC or ALCAR) has shown health benefits in neuroinflammation, which is a common denominator in a host of neurodegenerative diseases...Dietary supplementation exerts neuroprotective, antidepressive, neuro-trophic and analgesic effects in painful neuropathies.  [R]

Acetyl-L-carnitine is the biologically active form of the amino acid L-carnitine and has been shown to protect cells throughout the body against age-related degeneration. Most clinical research has focused on the brain, where improved mood, memory and cognition has been observed in response to acetyl-L-carnitine administration. By facilitating the youthful transport of fatty acids into the cell's mitochondria, acetyl-L-carnitine better enables dietary fats to be converted to energy and muscle. [R]

Recommended dosage: 500 mg daily.

If your multivitamin does not have ALA and ALC, try this formula from Noorish. I've just started using it; it has good recommendations and is made in the USA. L-Carnitine and Acytyl L-Carnitine are not the same, and don't have the same effects.
Price on 1/11/2020 for ALC 525 mg/ALA 225mg; 90 servings: $17.97 (Amazon)
What About Prevagen?

Prevagen contains the protein, Apoaequorin, which was originally discovered in the jellyfish species Aequorea victoria. When apoaequorin binds with calcium, a blue light is produced. 

Problems with calcium regulation in the human brain are thought to play a role in age-related mental decline. Because apoaequorin has a similar structure to human calcium-binding proteins, some researchers believe it might help regulate calcium in the brain and reduce memory loss and mental decline.

Does it work? Some say it does, some that it does not. Perhaps it helps if you have a need to regulate calcium in the brain. It's up to you whether to try it or not, but it is expensive, and, as I mentioned earlier, no single supplement is going to reverse Alzheimer's. My preference is to focus on multiple supplements that have a broader effect.
What About Ginko Biloba?

This herb is recommended fairly often, and is used in a number of formulas, however, my research did find the following:
Constituents in ginkgo leaves may affect blood clotting, so ginkgo leaf extracts shouldn't be used by people with bleeding disorders. People with epilepsy (or anyone with a history of seizures) should avoid ginkgo, because it may increase the frequency of seizures. Ginkgo leaf products may affect blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should only use it under the supervision of a health care provider.

For these reasons, I don't use it, and I don't recommend it.

Be Aware

I recently saw an ad on the internet for an anti-Alzheimer's vaccine. This is a scam. There is no silver bullet for preventing or curing Alzheimer's, as you should know if you've been paying attention to Dr. Bredesen's research. 


"Oxidative stress refers to a state in which free radicals and their products are in excess of antioxidant defense mechanisms. This imbalance can occur as a result of increased free radical production or a decrease in antioxidant defenses...Because the brain is largely composed of easily oxidized lipids [fats], has a high oxygen consumption rate, and lacks strong antioxidant defenses, it is quite vulnerable to oxidative injury. It has been demonstrated that there is an increase in oxidation in the brain with aging, which is the most consistent risk factor for AD." [R]  

In a healthy body, a balance is maintained between free radicals and antioxidants. Free radicals actually have a part to play in destroying viruses, bacteria and damaged cells, but the body has a mechanism to stop free radical activity when no longer needed for these purposes. When free radicals are out of control, as in Alzheimer's and many other chronic diseases, then extra antioxdants are needed. Research indicates that a variety of antioxidants should be used rather than just overloading on a single antioxidant such as mega-doses of Vitamin-C. When you take a variety of anti-oxidants they pass the free radicals amongst themselves like hot potatoes, and with each pass the number of free radicals diminishes. There are no studies that tell us how much of what the body needs, especially since the needs of each person are so variable. You are going to have to do your own research and decide for yourself. Below are various antioxidants that serve various purposes in the body. Some, like glutathione, can be made by your body if it is healthy enough and has the proper nutrients. Others, like Vitamin-C, cannot be made by the body, and have to be included in the diet. 

Glutathione is the master detoxifier; it is essential for mopping up free radicals and toxins, such as mercury. There are thousands of medical articles about it. Your body produces its own glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione. This leaves you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration from oxidative stress, free radicals, infections and cancer. Persons with chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer's tend to have a deficiency of Glutathione. (Read about)​​


Direct chemical neutralization of singlet oxygen, hydroxyl radicals, and superoxide radicals

Cofactor for several antioxidant enzymes

Regeneration of vitamins C and E (reprocesses C and E after they have mopped up free radicals)

Neutralization of free radicals produced by Phase I liver metabolism of chemical toxins

Transportation of mercury out of cells and the brain

Regulation of cellular proliferation and apoptosis (cell death)

Vital to mitochondrial function and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA
Price on 1/11/2020 for 500 mg/200 servings: $24.94 (Amazon)
Vitamin C
There must be thousands of formulations for Vitamin-C. Various claims for these formulations are made, and not all are based on scientific fact. Some can break your pocketbook. Please read this article  and this article from the Linus Pauling Institute.

Dr. Bredesen recommends 1-3 grams of Vitamin C per day. I am currently using the Garden of Life Raw Vitamin C formula for several reasons:

1) 1 capsule = 250 mg. According to the Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute: 
Vitamin C can stay in the body for weeks. Levels of vitamin C in the blood are controlled by the kidneys through a process known as ‘renal reabsorption,’ which prevents vitamin C from being lost in the urine. Taking large doses of it can overwhelm this system, so the extra amount is lost in the urine in a matter of hours. If you want to keep plasma vitamin C levels as high as possible over time, it is best to take multiple doses spread out throughout the day. While small doses (under 200 mg) are completely absorbed, only a fraction of a single large dose of ascorbic acid can be absorbed at one time (500 mg or more). Spacing the doses out will increase the overall absorption. [R]

2) While Laboratory made ascorbic acid is identical to Vitamin-C isolated from vegetables and fruits, the Garden of Life blend is the actual organic raw vegetables and fruits plus a raw probiotic and enzyme blend for better absorption and additional beneficial action. Vitamin-C alone (ascorbic acid) is essential for many bodily processes, and doesn't need the bioflavinoids that are present in food sources of Vitamin-C to do its job. However, ongoing research is finding that the bioflavinoids in real food are important antioxidants themselves.

Vitamin C is needed by the body to form collagen, make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels, repair and maintain cartilage, bones and teeth, heal wounds and form scar tissue. An intake of 500 mg per day of vitamin C, along with beta-carotene, vitamin E and zinc supplements, has been found to slow the progression of advanced age-related macular degeneration by about 25 percent. Vitamin C deficiency is fairly common. Smoking cigarettes can lower the amount of vitamin C in the body, so smokers are more prone to a deficiency. Not getting enough of this vitamin can cause easy bruising, gingivitis and bleeding gums, dry and splitting hair, rough, dry, scaly skin, a decreased wound-healing rate, nosebleeds and a decreased ability to ward off infection, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. [R]

Bioflavinoids can: Interfere with enzymes that create free radicals, deactivate free radicals, protect and increase antioxidant defenses in the body; help fight allergies, help protect the heart; help protect nerve cells from damage, and may help regenerate nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord; help with blood flow to the brain; help clear the body of toxins; help fight microbial infection. [R]
Price on 1/11/2020 for 500 mg/60 servings: $14.69 (Amazon)
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has eight components, 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols. Both sets are labeled alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. The body prefers alpha-tocopherol, and that is the only component of Vitamin E that reverses vitamin E deficiency. Nevertheless, recent research is finding that the remaining components are powerful antioxidants. The RDA for adults is only 15 mg of alpha-tocopherol, however, the RDA is for maintaince of a healthy body, and 90% of individuals older than 2 years of age in the U.S. don't even get the minimum requirement in their diets. Most multi-vitamins contain synthetic alpha-tocopherol, of which only half is taken up by the body.

Dr. Bredesen recommens 400-800 mg per day of mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. This sounds like a lot, however only a small amount is alpha-tocopherol. I am using Life Extension Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols and Tocotrienals. Here is the breakdown of nutrients:

Price on 1/11/2020 for 60 servings: $21.94 (Amazon)
N-Acetyl Cysteine
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a slightly modified version of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine with multiple benefits:

Replenishes levels of the intracellular antioxidant glutathione (GSH), which is often deficient with advancing age and in chronic illness. NAC also regulates expression of scores of genes in the pathways that link oxidative stress to inflammation. These dual effects give NAC a unique role in the prevention and treatment of many common diseases, both acute and chronic.

NAC can protect against avian influenza and more common seasonal flu symptoms.

NAC reduces the frequency and duration of attacks of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and may slow the clinical course of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

NAC protects tissues from the effects of exercise-induced oxidative stress, adding value and safety to your workout.

NAC improves insulin sensitivity in people with some of the most difficult-to-treat metabolic disorders.

NAC blocks cancer development at virtually every step in the process, and through multiple mechanisms, making it an important cancer chemopreventive agent.

NAC fights the stomach infection Helicobacter pylori on two fronts, inhibiting the organism’s growth while reducing production of inflammatory cytokines that can lead to gastritis and cancer.

Though most individuals gain benefits from 600-1,800 mg/day, clinical studies have found that doses of up to 2,000 mg/day are safe and effective. A recent study demonstrated the safety of 2,800 mg/day for 3 months in patients with COPD."  (Read Article)

Price on 1/11/2020 for 1000 mg/ 120 servings: $12.58 (Amazon)

Considered one of the strongest antioxidants in nature, due to its high scavenging potential of free radicals. Recently, astaxanthin is also receiving attention for its effect on the prevention or co-treatment of neurological pathologies, including Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, mainly based on its capability to cross the blood-brain barrier and its oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic (cell death) properties. Astaxanthin is present in salmon, trout, shrimp, lobster, and fish eggs which confers a reddish-orange hue to these organisms. The majority of astaxanthin-based products on the market are derived from its synthetic production, since its natural production is still not well standardized for industrial scale. Unfortunately, synthetic astaxanthin is significantly more inferior than algal-based astaxanthin in terms of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Bottom line: Astaxanthin prevents the oxidation that kills brain cells, and which cumulatively causes dementia in aging brains.
Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant with broad health implications and unlike other antioxidants, such as beta carotene, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, C, D and selenium, astaxanthin never becomes pro-oxidant in the body…Krill supplements contain trace amounts of astaxanthin, not nearly what you need to achieve therapeutic benefits…Natural astaxanthin was shown to reduce C-Reactive Protein (CRP) by more than 20 percent in only eight weeks; CRP is a key indicator of heart disease. Well-designed clinical trials have shown that astaxanthin helps diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, eye strain and fatigue and seeing in fine detail. A 2007 study analyzed several popular antioxidants and their antioxidant power. This study found astaxanthin was 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C, 800 times stronger than CoQ10, 550 times stronger than green tea catechins and 75 times stronger than alpha lipoic acid. Studies show excellent results for helping with skin moisture levels, smoothness, elasticity, fine wrinkles, and spots or freckles. It reduces damage caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In fact, if you get a sunburn, which causes inflammation, astaxanthin penetrates the skin cells and reduces UVA damage.  [R]

Don't use Astaxanthin if you are allergic to seafood.

Price on 1/11/2020 for 10 mg /60 servings: $17.22 (Amazon)

Dr. Bredesen recommends 10-20 mg daily.

Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid found primarily in citrus fruits (greater amounts are found in the peel than in the juice). Hesperidin alone, or in combination with other citrus bioflavonoids is most commonly used for blood vessel conditions such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and poor circulation (venous stasis). [R]
Hesperidin has shown potential for preventing bone loss in post-menopausal women. [R]

It acts as a potent antioxidant and anticancer agent. [R]

It lowers inflammation, helps protect the heart, and helps control blood sugar. It helps protect the brain by preventing nerve cell death from oxidative stress. It may be able to reduce depression, stress and anxiety. It helps relieve neuropathic pain, and helps stop allergic reactions. [R]
Hesperidin offers protection against the free radical peroxynitrite, which is found in very high concentrations in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons. [R]

Price on 1/11/2020 for 500 mg/ 60 servings: $6.00 (Amazon)
How Many Must You Take?
It's Entirely Up to YOU
I've introduced you to what must seem like an incredible number of supplements, but you don't have to take all of them. Choose what you think will work for you. I take most of them, and so does my husband, because we are on a mission to rapidly improve our health. We are also on Keto diets for life. No way do I want to put sugar back into my body. We are both working toward healthy weight, healthy blood glucose levels, and most of all healthy brains. I am 70 and my husband is 77. We don't have time to mess around. We don't want to spend our remaining lives propped up in wheelchairs in front of a television. I have seen a vast improvement over the coarse of a year, though I still have memory lapses when I am tired. Just remember what you are trying to accomplish by taking these supplements (do take them with meals, please).

Get a plan. You don't have to buy all your supplements at the same time. Stagger your supplement orders to make it easier on your pocketbook. Supplements are easier to swallow with a thick liquid like almond milk. Sweeten it a bit if you like with some stevia. I like to mix 3/4 cup of almond milk with 1/4 cup of coconut water for extra potassium, being careful not to total more than 20 grams of carbs with my meal. Place supplements under the tongue to prevent a gag reflex, then take a swig of liquid, swish them around and down the hatch. You don't have to gulp down everything at once. I divide mine between breakfast, lunch and bedtime. The bedtime ones, like Bacopa and extra magnesium relax the mind and body. Just think, in 6 months, you could have a super-brain like this:
Just joking! Seriously, though, the supplements will help your brain fight inflammation and loss of neurons, but you must find the sources of inflammation. In many elderly people, poor nutrition may be the main cause of mental decline. Proper supplementation and improved nutrition may turn them around. However, it's imperative to consider other causes such as hormonal imbalances, toxins, infections, and even emotional distress - which will put you back on the main blog of this website. Yes, don't forget to take care of the emotional and spiritual needs. Time does not heal emotional wounds. Do check out my book on transforming the soul if you want to remove emotional baggage. 

Meanwhile, it's taken me three months to get this page up. I would like to share more information, but it will be on a separate website, and probably not until September, as I will be out of town in an internet free zone. I hope the info given here is helpful. I hope you won't delay to act on it. I hope you will refer others to it, and I hope they will act to end this miserable disease in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. 

With all sincerity,
Dr. Gilda Baise